2024 Alex Jones Scholarship Application Open March 1st – 31st

Ronald Reagan High School Band Alumni and Parents Scholarship Foundation

2024 Alex Jones Memorial Scholarship Application

 Alex Jones was an esteemed member of the Ronald Reagan High School (RRHS) Marching Band. Alex, who graduated in 2014, was principal trumpet, line leader, and Band President his senior year. This extraordinary young man tragically lost his life while in college. The RRHS Band Alumni and Parents Scholarship (BAPS) Foundation is proud to honor Alex with a scholarship in his memory.

The 2024 Alex Jones Memorial Scholarship application is open March 1-31, 2024. This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to two RRHS seniors who: (1) participated a minimum of one full year in the RRHS Marching Band, Color Guard, or some other Marching Band performance role recognized by the Band Director (e.g, singer, dancer, etc.), (2) is eligible for high school graduation during the current academic year, and (3) plans to pursue an advanced academic degree or vocational certification as a full-time student at an accredited college, university, or trade school starting in the Fall of 2024.

There is no requirement for scholarship candidates to plan to pursue academic studies in music or to pursue a career in music.

Complete applications must include the following three items:

  1. Transcript. An official or unofficial transcript including Fall 2023 grades.

  2. Resume. A one-page resume including the applicant’s full name, mailing address, email address, cell phone and home/parent cell phone number, and the college, university, or trade school the student plans to attend. Include the college/university/trade school student identification number, if known, and phone number and address of the financial aid office. Examples of Service, Leadership, and Awards should be included in the resume.

  3. Essay. The essay will be formatted using Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced, addressing the following prompt: “Alex Jones was an esteemed member of the Ronald Reagan High School Marching Band who tragically lost his life while in college. Alex embodied humility, service, and leadership.” In 450 words or less, discuss your views about these character traits and how you have applied them in your life.

Submit the items in PDF format, and follow the instructions stated in paragraphs 1-3 above.  Applications received that do not comply with requirements stated above (i.e., resume exceeding one page, essay exceeding 450 words, etc.) will not be considered.

The BAPS Foundation will coordinate with the Band Director to ensure that the provisional Alex Jones Scholarship award recipient is in good standing with the marching band.

Scholarship funds awarded will be provided directly to the college, university, or trade school the student will be attending.

Applications will be accepted starting on Friday, March 1, 2024. Candidates must email complete applications to bapsrrhs@gmail.com no later than 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 31, 2024, to be considered for this scholarship. The BAPS Foundation will provide a response to your email; please resubmit if you receive no confirmation. The recipients of the Alex Jones Memorial Scholarship will be announced at the Spring Concert.

Application details/instructions as shown above can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE